IBrilliant. I had my doubts, almost didn't pay the (highly reasonable fee) but went ahead, and am so glad i did so. Fast, clever, honest, insightful reply, seems to know a lot more than the solicitor I'm paying a huge amount to for my conveyancing.
Sandra Robinson, 29 January 2024
Trustpilot Verified
IBrilliant. I had my doubts, almost didn't pay the (highly reasonable fee) but went ahead, and am so glad i did so. Fast, clever, honest, insightful reply, seems to know a lot more than the solicitor I'm paying a huge amount to for my conveyancing.
Sandra Robinson, 29 January 2024
Trustpilot Verified
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The UK legal system is extremely unequal, favouring those who can afford and have access to expensive legal counsel.
Currently, around 3.6 million people in the UK and Wales have an unmet legal need and half of small businesses have no alternative but to take on legal issues themselves. With the current inequalities in the legal system, it’s no wonder that the UK is ranked only 79th in the world for affordable and accessible legal justice.
Legal advice shouldn’t only be available to the wealthy and well-connected. We believe that expert legal advice should be straightforward, accessible and most importantly, affordable.
Expert Answers
For over a decade, we’ve been providing affordable and accessible legal advice to anyone who needs it. Since our launch in 2012, we’ve helped over 400,000 people assert their legal rights by providing them with direct and affordable legal advice.
Established in 2012 by two solicitors and an eCommerce expert who recognised that, for the majority of people and businesses, straightforward legal advice was unattainable. We realised that there are millions of people across the UK who fall between the cracks in the legal system because they can’t afford and access legal support, but they also don’t qualify for free legal aid.
Expert Answers lets customers decide what they can afford to pay for legal advice from lawyers and solicitors online, which puts the power back with the public. We have over 140 legal experts working for us, which means we can respond much quicker than a high street law firm. Most people receive legal advice within 24 hours, with many getting a response within a couple of hours.
Our social enterprise role means that our primary purpose is not to make a profit. Instead, our aim is to offer a service that helps as many people as possible.
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Who we are
The Expert Answers team combines decades of experience from the legal and tech sectors with a passion for addressing the inequalities in the UK’s legal system.
James Mather – Co-founder, Solicitor
Lloyd Barrett – Co-founder, Technical Services
Gareth Edwards – Solicitor, Moderator
Dr. Glyn Carter – Management Consultant
Jo Morris – Barrister, Advisor to Management Team
What Users Say About our Advice Service
My legal expert had been great value for money it what is very daunting and expensive experience for me. I realise I have had more than enough advice for £30.00 and will leave a tip once I have a refund from another on line advice service who basically left me high and dry with little hope or advice on my appeal and or advice given about reporting this to the council. While this will not mean a direct payment into my account if pursued it could mean she will leave me alone. Thank you for a above 5 star service. Mat
Thank you so much for your help. I just did an online search on the off-chance I would be able to get an answer/clarity without having to go to the high street and engaging with a solicitor and all that that would have entailed… I was a little dubious at first,I’m not very tech savvy and was a bit wary of the on line payment…but needed the help. Not everything online is a fraud,right?? As I am about to take on a deputyship,it is quite possible I may call on your services again.I will have no hesitation in contacting you again and recommending you at every opportunity. Thanks again,D. xx
The Expert has been absolutely excellent from start to finish dealing with my queries. I can highly recommend this service for being prompt, professional and kind. I can’t praise the Expert highly enough for his lengthy replies and can highly recommend this service for any legal queries.
Excellent. It is very reassuring to have access to experienced legal professionals who take the time to understand what your situation is, explain what the law says and answer (repeatedly!) your many questions. Thank you Expert Answers
What a amazing source of help! Thank you so much for your help in my tenancy issue; I have been so nervous about confronting my landlord, after speaking with you has helped me feel much more confident in my position. I would never have known where in housing law to look, and I likely would have been steamrolled by my landlord and letting agents. Thank you so much for going out of your way to help people like me in vulnerable situations, and for doing so in such a kind, efficient, and professional manner. I am incredibly grateful. – Jillian
Hi Many thanks for your clear reply That was better for me to understand and very much to the point very satisfied, I do appreciate your understanding Best wishes for a Great New Year Most kind regards Julie Anne Please keep yourself and your family safe
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Expert answers has helped me twice now with advice on how to deal with issues. I have had the pleasure of the same advisor both times & trust their findings. Thankyou so much to David who goes above & beyond the fee paid.
Fiona Hallisey, 13 January 2024
Trustpilot Verified
Expert answers has helped me twice now with advice on how to deal with issues. I have had the pleasure of the same advisor both times & trust their findings. Thankyou so much to David who goes above & beyond the fee paid.
Fiona Hallisey, 13 January 2024
Trustpilot Verified
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